A fanfiction describing the relationship between Tifa and Cloud is available online. The story
starts with Tifa and Cloud discussing their relationship. After they met, Tifa was enchanted by
Cloud’s impulsiveness and his erotica, and she is now jealous of him. As the story progresses,
Tifa reveals that she has been thinking about Cloud frequently and starts checking the
newspaper for his name.
Cloti is a rival ship to Cloud/Aerith
If you’re a fan of Final Fantasy VII and the Kingdom Hearts series, you’ve probably noticed the
rivalry between Cloti and Cloud/Aerith. Besides being a rival ship, Cloti and Cloud share some
similarities, including their common love for Tifa Lockhart. While the characters have very
different backgrounds, Cloti and Cloud share common traits, including being lovers who are
equally obsessed with each other.
The relationship between the two has been a smoldering saga since the beginning of the
series. Cloud first flirted with Tifa when he made a comment about the color of her beverage,
which matched her eyes. Later, when they are kids together, Cloud gives Tifa a flower that he
inherited from Aerith. Tifa later becomes antagonistic with Cloud when a storekeeper makes a
suggestive comment. Meanwhile, Chocobo Sam picks up on Cloud’s relationship with Tifa and
starts making a suggestion to Cloud.
After his accident five years ago, Cloud became agitated. He assumed Tifa was angry with
him, but Tifa accepted his invitation to meet him at the water tower. After the two met, Cloud
told Tifa about his plan to join SOLDIER and become the best of the best. This move caused
Tifa to become suspicious of Cloud and decide to attack him.
Despite their differences, the relationship between Cloud and Tifa is one that has a lot of
similarities. Cloud and Tifa are the only characters that share this similarity. In the series,
Cloud and Tifa were also friends, so they shared many memories and adventures. They both
felt a connection with each other, and it made them more intense.
Tifa is vulnerable to Cloud’s impulsiveness
Tifa is particularly vulnerable to Cloud’s impulsiveness, which makes it harder for her to follow
his lead. Although she isn’t impulsive, she’s a soft-spoken, non-confrontational character.
Elmyra, however, does not share her fear, as she wants Cloud to rescue Aerith. While she’s
not a direct threat to Cloud, she also feels her sister’s sympathy and wants him to protect
After meeting with Zack, Tifa is initially hesitant about becoming a member of the eco-terrorist
group AVALANCHE. She does, however, convince Cloud to join AVALANCHE, where she helps
him save the world from the evil Sephiroth. The Advent Children also developed Tifa’s
character further. Cloud and Tifa are also vulnerable to each other’s impulsiveness.
Tifa and Cloud are childhood friends. Cloud’s crush on Tifa started while they were still kids,
but it is not obvious that they would ever become lovers. Cloud’s childhood accident left him
ostracized by the town of Nibelheim, and he blamed himself for not saving Tifa. However,
Tifa’s parents still wished to see Cloud and were hesitant to confront him.
Although Tifa has a hard time dealing with his impulsiveness, she remains vulnerable to
Cloud’s dissociative personality disorder. She remembers Tifa’s request to change the filters.
While the Real Cloud still remains arrogant, the Soldier Cloud remembers Tifa. Eventually, Tifa
begins to see that Soldier Cloud is his real self around Tifa.
The story scenes of Cloud’s Subconscious take place on white backgrounds. The scene retells
the story of how a young Cloud and Tifa fell off a bridge. In the adult Tifa’s subconscious, she
observes the events, while Cloud watches over her as a black shadow. Earlier Japanese
versions of the game have a different version of this scene. In this version, Tifa falls over
Cloud, but Cloud remains unaware of it.
Tifa is jealous of Cloud
In a Japanese manga adaptation of the popular game Final Fantasy XI, Tifa is the main
protagonist. The manga series consists of three chapters and two special episodes. In these
episodes, Tifa meets Cloud and falls in love with him. She meets the other characters of the
game and learns about their love lives. The series is also a fan-favorite, with countless fans
eagerly anticipating the next installments.
In the anime, Tifa and Cloud are best friends and often banter during fights. Although they
work well together, Cloud is wary of Tifa’s ruthlessness and has been known to be frightened
of her in the past. In the episode “Crescent Moon,” Cloud admits that he once threatened to
kill Johnny and made Tifa jealous when he was trying to save her. As a result, Cloud is often
unsteady when he talks to Tifa, and he is easily swayed by her emotional reactions.
As their relationship develops, Cloud shows interest in Tifa. When she’s talking to Tifa, Cloud
listens to her. She also mentions Tifa when talking to Aerith. The two of them even call each
other on the phone to discuss the incident. Cloud and Tifa’s friendship are forged by their
mutual love. Despite their differences, both characters are still popular and have earned their
place in popular culture.
Teenage Dream by LadyGoddessofAnubis is another popular FFVII fan fiction. It’s a typical
high school drama, but with a twist that keeps readers hooked, Teenage Dream is an enjoyable
read. However, the author does warn that this one is rated “R” for mature audiences. There
are plenty of other fanfics with this theme.
Tifa is attracted to Cloud’s erotica
Tifa is attracted to Cloud’S erotica, but is it really that appealing? During one special night
when they were alone, Cloud let Tifa do whatever she wanted. The blond beauty smiled softly
when Cloud pushed the wrong buttons. She learned the depth of a human heart. She is
attracted to Cloud’s erotica as much as Cloud is to Tifa.
Tifa loved Cloud’s body and her scars. It was as if he was a map of survival. She stroked his
engorged length, feeling his heart beat as she did. Cloud’s erotica sent her wild, but Tifa knew
that he would have to be patient in order to please her. She was able to make Cloud touch her
chest while Cloud leaned over to kiss her.
Tifa’s appearance and her desire for Cloud are enough to keep her enamored. They share a
room for a brief moment. Tifa speaks to Cloud through the door of her tiny apartment, while
Cloud lies fully clothed on a creaky old bed. Tifa is able to feel her thirst even through the
screen. The two men share many passionate moments and Tifa is enamored with Cloud’s
In the beginning of the film, Cloud and Tifa have a romantic relationship. Cloud and Tifa are
childhood friends. Tifa’s mother in the Edge, Tifa is Cloud’s childhood friend. She supports him
through his dark days and regrets about his past. As they bond, Cloud tries to keep his family
together, and Tifa is supportive and raises her voice when Cloud carries his regrets in his
Tifa is loyal to Cloud
Tifa is a mysterious being that visits Cloud at different points in his life. Eventually, Cloud
remembers Nibelheim before Sephiroth destroys it, and Tifa reveals that she was not one of
the SOLDIERS who entered the city. After the attack, Cloud finds that a man with a black hair
and carrying a Buster Sword has entered the city. The two reunite and Cloud is once again a
whole person. He returns to lead AVALANCHE.
Cloud remembers Tifa when she was younger. Her mother had died, and her friends
abandoned her. Cloud stayed behind and followed them. Cloud was there when Tifa fell, and
the townspeople blamed him for the accident. Later, her father forbade Cloud from
approaching his daughter. After a few days, Cloud was reunited with Tifa and tries to make her
feel better.