The Most Beautiful Flowers that Start with N

The world of flowers that start with the letter N is filled with stunning blooms that are sure to add beauty to any garden or floral arrangement. From delicate nicotiana to vibrant nerine, there is a wide variety of flowers that start with N to choose from. Some of the most popular flowers starting with N include narcissus, nigella, and nemesia. These perennial flowering plants are known for their beautiful petal formations and fragrant foliage.

One of the most beloved flowers that come from the N category is the white-flowered lily, which is native to South Africa. Another favorite is the catmint, also known as nerine, which produces clusters of bell-shaped flowers that are perfect for hanging baskets or rock gardens. The edible nasturtium and peppery flowers that bloom from the nasturtium plant are also popular choices for adding color and flavor to dishes.For those who love blue flowers, the love-in-a-mist or nemophila are excellent options. If you prefer yellow flowers, the nierembergia or nolana are sure to brighten up any garden. And for a touch of red, the ornamental nightshade plant offers stunning cup-shaped flowers that are sure to attract butterflies and other pollinators.